Kelly Powell Kelly Powell

How to fit exercise into a busy schedule!

Between work, kids, school runs, and everything in between, it can seem impossible to carve out time for yourself, let alone time to exercise. But here's the truth: you don’t need hours in the gym to stay fit and feel your best. It’s all about being smart with your time and making fitness work for you, not against you.

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Kelly Powell Kelly Powell

Balancing Hormones to aid with fat loss

At Pink Fox Fitness we work holistically and that means taking everything into consideration. A weight management journey needs to incorporate more than juat diet and exercise, hormones also play a crucial role in our overall health and well-being. They influence everything from mood and energy levels to metabolism and reproductive health. By recognising the profound impact these factors can have over our journey, we can reclaim control and empower ourselves to make mindful choices that have a positive impact on our wellness. In this blog, we'll explore natural ways to balance your hormones and improve your overall health.

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Kelly Powell Kelly Powell

Understanding Weight Loss Fluctuations: Why the Scale isn’t the best measure for fat loss…

One thing I hear a lot as a personal trainer, is clients getting upset after stepping on to the scales and them seeing a weight increase or that the scales won’t budge. Which if your target is to try and lose weight then this can be so demoralising, especially if you have been working hard and stick to your plan all week and what’s worse is often this causes people to give up! Well not today! I am here to talk to you about the common misconceptions that weight is directly linked to fat loss.

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Kelly Powell Kelly Powell

Let’s Talk About Motivation

People often ask me where I get my motivation from, or where I get my energy from all the time and the bottom line of it is… I don’t.

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Kelly Powell Kelly Powell

Fat Loss Does Not Need to be Complicated

Fat loss does not have to be complicated, but with so much conflicting confirmation out there it can be overwhelming! Let’s talk about what works and effective strategies to help you hit your goals.

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Kelly Powell Kelly Powell

Returning to exercise safely after having a baby…

If you’ve just had a baby and are eager to get back into exercise or if you are wondering where to start, this blog is for you. We will briefly talk about why exercise is beneficial for you, how your body changes during and after pregnancy and how to return to exercise safely.

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Kelly Powell Kelly Powell

Unpopular Fitness Facts

With summer just around the corner, there is no escaping the adverts for fitness and ‘nutritional’ products that will help fast track you to your fitness goals. I don’t know about you, but my feed is filled with different fitness ‘facts’ that, I am not going to lie, are driving me around the bend. So, I thought what better way to kick start my blogs by starting with addressing some unpopular fitness truths…

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