Let’s Talk About Motivation

People often ask me where I get my motivation from, or where I get my energy from all the time and the bottom line of it is… I don’t. Often the thought of having to do a workout (particularly a home workout) or teach a fitness class honestly feels like such a huge effort and if I ran a class or worked out whenever I felt motivated to, the truth is I probably wouldn’t do it at all! However, what I do, is stay consistent. I show up even if I am not feeling it and give it everything I’ve got. You’ll notice if you attend my classes a lot that some days are better than others, we all have good days and bad days. But just remember how amazing you feel once that workout is done and that will help give you some motivation to just get it done.

Start doing

Motivation is great and provides us with a burst of energy to start working on ourselves or to start chasing our goals, but this does and will fluctuate over time. However, consistency is steady and constant it provides us with a commitment to our goals. How to we stay consistent? Here are my top tips:

Establish a new routine. It takes 3 weeks to turn a new behaviour in to a habit. Create a daily or weekly schedule that you can stick to, this will help you build momentum and also make good progress towards your fitness goals. Once you get settled in to your new routine you will find it hard to miss a work out or you’ll start to miss working out! Sounds crazy I know!

Take small steps. Being consistent encourages you to take small manageable steps towards your goals. These small efforts will build up and lead you to achieving big results. This will also help with your motivation when you see yourself getting closer and closer to your goal.

Overcome resistance. Resistance is often fuelled by self-doubt and is a huge motivation killer. Give yourself the attitude of ‘just do it’. I promise you that there is no such thing as a bad workout. It doesn’t matter if you are not giving it 110% all the time. What ever you do, is better than doing nothing at all. Commit to take action and you’ll start to diminish the resistance!

Small steps yield big results

Believe in yourself. Consistency forces you to believe in your own abilities. Each time you stick to your routine you are proving to yourself that you are dependable, and you are capable of achieving your goals. This self-trust will become a strong motivator.

Celebrate the small wins. Break your large goal down into smaller goals and don’t forget to celebrate the small wins along the way. Recognising and appreciating these achievements will help to keep you motivated in the long run.

Trust the Process. You will have good days and bad days, all you need to do is not hit the f*ck it button on the bad days and trust in the process. Staying consistent will help you get there.

This is your life journey. Fitness should be part of your life, when you hit your goals whatever they are, you will need to maintain them. This is the start of a new you forever! Don’t rush it, you might not enjoy every minute of it, but it will be worth it, because you are worth it.

Need help staying consistent? Why not try having a personal trainer? Here at Pink Fox Fitness we offer one to one personal training programmes and small group training sessions. For more information, head over to www.pinkfoxfitness.co.uk or email kelly@pinkfoxfitness.co.uk


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